“Support is essential to health. Healing is about building resources, strengths, comfort and capabilities first. Whether this comes in the form of direct assistance or just knowing there are other people around that could offer help if you need it.”
Dr. Modi is an established Pediatrician in private practice in San Dimas, CA and has served the community for over 35 years. Dr. Modi is a skilled artist, painter, dancer and chef who volunteered at Urban Health as a mentor and contributes both financially and in volunteer hours each year to support the mission and goals of Urban Health. Dr.Modi’s medical background and experience helps guide program objectives with participant safety and physical well-being in mind. Dr. Modi leads the direction of our wellness program with a creative, holistic and integrated approach.
Dr. Modi is an international traveler and consultant in the field of pediatrics and world health disparities who generously shares her time, in-kind gifts and financial support to Urban Health.