Jay is a Biopsychology graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara and the author of “Wellness, From the Ground Up”. Jay has worked as a Quality Assurance Director in a Los Angeles County based mental health treatment non-profit organization for over a decade. He is a State of California DPSS certified Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Placement administrator, Red Cross First-Aid and CPR Instructor and PRO-ACT Professional Assault Crisis Trainer. Jay is also a Realtor and Landlord serving low-income residents providing affordable and supportive housing. Jay’s combined expertise in the mental health treatment and housing industries enable a unique perspective into the impact that social determinants of health have on overall wellness.
Jay is a health and wellness coach with emphasis on the latest medical advances with dietary re-education and various holistic natural therapies to improve and prolong health and well-being. Jay serves as the Urban Health CEO and Board President pro bono as his way of giving back to the community that he loves so dearly.